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The High Cost of Man's Soul

The High Cost of Man's Soul

Posted on June 9th, 2020 by Redeemed_Racheal

And the Lord God made man in His own image and likeness. In the image of God He made them, male and female and breathed on them the breath of life and man became a living soul. Gen 1-27: and Gen 2:7


In the course of time the man sinned and God being just and Holy; His Word never returns void without accomplishing its purpose, man has to die. For the Lord has warned the man; the day you eat the fruit I commanded you not to, you shall die. Gen 2:17


Man by his own choice of disobeying God's command choose to die; as a consequence of man's choice all mankind was faced with the death penalty; and by default everyone was born to be separated eternally from God. 1 Corinthians 15: 22a


But God's heart longed for the man He created; and the bible tells us, God looked for someone who is worthy to redeem man.

In Revelation .5: 1-14 - no one in Heaven and earth was worthy; but thank God, there was only one Person worthy when the scroll was to be open to reveal the things that God has planned to do in the history of the man He has created!

Why was this man worthy? - He was the only one worthy (He is the image of God, pure, holy without sin like the first Adam before the fall). to die the death man was to die and so settle the debt man owe; for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is life eternal. Romans 6: 21 – 23


Jn 3:16 For God so loved the world that He sent His Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. If you believe you will live but if you believe not you shall die just as Adam failed to believe the warning and died.

You are not to die by default any more but by CHOICE just as you will live by CHOICE if you believe and accept the great price God had paid; SHIELDING HIS OWN BLOOD ON THE CROSS FOR YOU!


Remember God couldn’t nullify His Word; He choose to die instead to fulfill what He pronounced; Adam you will die the day you eat this fruit!

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Nothing short of this - the Blood of His own Son, Jesus Christ and with His Blood; Purchased, Redeemed and restored man back to the FATHER. God could have taken the easy way out; remember when Jesus prayed before the betrayal that the Father should let the cup pass over Him but that God's will be done if that is His will?

The bible tells us that angels were sent to strengthen Him - since it was the ONLY WAY by which man must be saved; nothing else could save man. Someone must die; and that someone must be in the similitude as the first man – no blemish, in God’s own image after His Likeness. No other sacrifice was adequate because He is a JUST and HOLY GOD and will not annul His Word to have the easy way out!


This should warn you how HOLY God is! Every Word He has spoken will and must come to pass (Luke 21:33: Isaiah 55:11), Please don't play with the choices you make daily, they will determine where you end up.

The gifts of the Blood of His son that cleanses and make you whole and enables you to stand before God spotless without sin is FREE but remember always, it is the MOST COSTLY PRICE.


You couldn’t pay, which was why HE has to come and pay for it Himself.

No angels could pay for it, the blood of animals was not adequate. Only the Blood of the LAMB, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the WORD that was at the beginning, is now and will ever be, was the only one found WORTHY and ADEQUATE (Rev .5: 1-14).


Think about this and understand how important and priceless you are to the ALMIGHTY. He shield His Blood for you, died the death you were to die. He hung on the cross, carried the weight of the judgment for your SIN and HE cried, IT IS FINISHED. The Price has been paid in full!


You don't need to die again. Why choose to die when He has already died for you! Please accept what He did and live in obedience to His Word and you will live.


The angels that rebelled against Him were cast down, the Israelites that lived in disobedience in the wilderness all died and if you continue to live in disobedience you will die; you will live if you give Him your life and live for Him. For the life we live is not ours because we died when He died and alive because He is alive.


He made an exchange; He died in our place so we can live in His. Glory to God, what love He had shown to us even when we were sinners and is still showing!


A lot of people have come claiming to be this and that, remember, they did not die for you, only one person did and God the Father testified of Him, and the Spirit of God came down like a Dove and a voice was heard, "this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, LISTEN TO HIM"!

Only one way given to man by which he must be saved. Jesus is the ONLY way given to man by which he must live - John 14:6.


You must know this Truth and it has the Power to set you free. Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE! None else exist. Everything must take their existence in Him and through Him alone!


God bless as you apply this Truth to your life and make this all important choice. Choose life instead of death. The night is far spent, you may not have tomorrow; today is not even yours! Make that decision NOW!


Remember, I love you but JESUS loves you more because He died for you.

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