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The Knowledge that kills

The Knowledge that kills

Posted on January 14th, 2025 by Redeemed
“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3: 4 - 5 (NKJV)

Beware of what you allow into your mind.
The world is big enough to contain every one such that we don't just live but also thrive. We don't need to destroy someone in other to sell or convince another. Stating your case or selling your competitive advantage is just enough. Someone may choose to buy into our preposition or believe whatever we are trying to pass across or not. Its their choice and they are responsible for their decisions.

Adam and Eve were living at peace with God’s universe and the Creator until they decided to doubt the motive of God in instructing them to stay from the forbidden fruit. Their faith was shaken the first time it was put to test!
They had fellowship with God long enough to know him, yet the moment their faith was put to test, they quickly abandon Him and choose to believe a lie, even when God had warned them not to eat of the trees that makes one wise.
God intimated them before hand what the eating of the fruit would result in, but like many of, they obviously thought He was joking and couldn't be serious!
Of all the many fruit in  the garden, I wonder why they were drawn to that tree in the first place?  
If Eve hadn't wonder to that tree, the conversation about how it would make one wise or not wouldn't have started. But no, like many of us, we are never satisfied with anything. There is always something we are craving about!
The tempter obviously painted for them pictures of them having wisdom, knowledge, insight, and also a chance to be like God!
He had to discredit God by giving them reasons to question God’s motives in not allowing them to eat of the tree that makes one wise.

They never imagined what awaits them was far from what had been sold to them.
Well, the end of a matter is better than the beginning.

One thing is sure, we are accountable for our choices and actions irrespective of whether we choose to be deceived or not.
Going through Scriptures, and watching events unfolding daily, I am just amazed at how short sighted we can be! Pursuing immediate gratification at the expense of eternal consequences!

We would rather succumb to pressures even when we know the truth and just damn the outcome of our actions, hoping the consequences won't come?

As I studied the opening Scriptures, my heart was so heavy at the realization that we don't seems to care if God is pleased with our choices or not, irrespective of the fact that we have so many reference points, people whose lives were meant to be examples of the choices that could lead to eternal consequences be they good or bad.

Adam and his wife Eve at least had no luxury of such relatable references. They and their direct offsprings were the references for the generations to come, yet we seems to have not learned from their pains and mistakes, rather, we have even improved on perfecting the act of deceit and have damned the consequences.

Evil will indeed slay the wicked says God word! It won't let them rest until it has consumed them!
God is not a man that He should lie. He means what He says and says what He means.

I encountered Him once, and that encounter keeps me focused. I testify that no one can save from His hands, and what He does, no one can undo. When He arise the heavens and the earth quake at His rebuke. His voice is like seven thunders, like a roaring ocean is the voice of the ALMIGHTY. Who therefore will not fear Him?

As I write this, I earnestly pray for someone to have an encounter, an encounter with the merciful God. An encounter though is very fearful and scary, but is better than eternal separation and death.

I sincerely pray that someone that needs this will experience the LORD,  so you will truly know and understand who to really fear.

Saul, had an encounter and became Paul. His life was turned upside down in an instance. He went into auto-mode fasting for three days. At the end of the third day, he was a changed man!

The persecutor of God's people became the persecuted, yet his encounter with the LORD made him hold fast unto his convictions. It couldn't be shaken because he knew whom he had come to believe.

I pray for the opening of mind and understanding so we can know what our inheritance is in Him; for we look for a city whose builder and maker is God.

There is none like unto the LORD!

God bless.



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