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The Last Flight

The Last Flight

Posted on August 20th, 2020 by Radeemed

Matthew 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When its branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

Matthew 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

There is a call going out to the nations of the world right now. The time is far spent, night is fast approaching and the Lord of all the earth without warning will come and take His bride to Himself.

The Lord is calling out to his bride, awake from your slumber, keep watch, pay attention least you be found naked and blind. Rev 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked'.

Many have departed from the way of truth, they seek after the gains of Balaam to their own hurt. They pursue after 'things' that have no eternal value. Things that will go with the system of this world.

Our churches are filled with people who think their self righteousness is what will save them, men and women who think its what they do for the Church and the Pastor that will guarantee them a place in heaven. They go to great lenght to show the world the buildings they have built for the Lord; the much wealth they have. How they have grown so rich that they have failed to do the simple things the Master wants. Render justice and truth in all things and believe and pay attentions to the work and leading of the Holy Spirit who will guide us into all truth. Rev 3: 15 - 19

If you had no need of the Holy Spirit, the Father wouldn't have sent Him. We have need of Him, more especially so in a crooked and twisted world like ours. A world were its extremely difficult to trust one another. A world were selfishness, wickedness and great love for self prevails. We need the Spirit of Truth who is to guide us into all truth, the One that will show us and lead the way to the Father. We need Jesus who is the Way, the truth and the Life.....

John 10:7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

John 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

It is very important that we hear the call that is going out to the nations of the world. Repent or perish, hear and answer the call, calling to your soul and be saved, listen to the Master calling. The gate will soon be closed, the flight will take off and if your are not listening, not watching, not paying attention, you will be left behind.

It is fearful but it is truth. Don't let the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth make you deaf to the Master's call.


The Lord taught me a great lesson recently, the danger of complacency. Hear my story.


I was boarding a flight from city A to B, from city B to C, and from C to D.

See the sequence of events, at city A, I thought to myself, I have time, it is just a 30 minutes ride to the airport. I was complacent and never factored in traffic.

As I journeyed to the airport, I met such traffic that I panicked, I came down from the car took a bike and trekked half the journey. Grace came to my rescue.

I was checked in and just took my pax to board the flight on time.

At city B, I didn't check the details of the flight to city C. Somehow I presumed the flight was an afternoon one. How I got that into my head was a mistery. 

At about 3 a.m in the morning, I had the urge to check the details of the flight. I said to myself, the flight is an afternoon one, no need to check.

At 5 a.m grace again came to my rescue, I was woken up, I believe by the Spirit of the Lord or an Angel. Check the details of that flight I heard in my spirit. It was like a powerful force came on me and I finally checked the details of the flight. When I checked behold it was a morning flight!

I hurriedly said a prayer packed my things and took the next available bus to the airport. I almost missed the flight.

The final one was at city C. The Lord spoke to my heart how many of us have lost focus, lost attention and have completely become deaf to His calls and warnings.

I was shocked at how I could hear and not perceive, nor understand. How I could see and be blind all at the same time. How a little bit of shifting of focus can make one completely lost bearing!

I was waiting patienly for the last leg of the flight. The hall was filled to capacity, I decided to chat with my daughter on the net. As I was in this conversation, I excused myself to answer the call of nature. When I came back the hall was half filled. It never occurred to me that people have been checked in. I sat down and tried busying myself with my phone.

Then a voice boomed - the last call - And I said to myself, these people are not serious. They have announced the last call more than six times, still they are not closing the gate. I never knew I was the one holding the flight!

Then again grace came to my rescue. I felt a great urge to get up from where I sat and moved to another seat entirely. Then I heard in my spirit, change the time in your phone to city C time zone. I did and to my amazement I saw the flight should have taken off! I felt the urge to go check the bill board and what I saw made me panicked.

The Last call! It was flashing repeatedly - this is the last call to city D. Instantly I broke into a run; to the wrong direction!

When the flight desk attendant saw me running, he knew I was the one they had been waiting for. He motioned to me that I was going the wrong direction. I made a U turn and ran with all my strength. He too broke into a run in my direction, took my passport, checked it was the name they were expecting and passed me through. Protocols were broken, no checks. I ran down aisle and into the flight; the door was shut shortly after and the flight took off.

I never forgot what the hostess said. That vacant seat has been reserved for you. It has been waiting for you to seat on it all along. Seat and make yourself comfortable!

Tears ran down my face at the mercies of the Lord. Then I heard in my spirit. You are saved by my grace not your works!

What a flow of abundant grace. God's mercies are endless. They are new every morning!

As I sat down I could hear in my spirit, how many of us Christians have lost focus, we seat in the Church, hear the messages but don't receive it in our spirits. We have become deaf. Our many activities have stolen our attentions and we can't hear the Master's anymore. We have become dull in hearing and understanding! This is a call to wake up and keep alive those things that are at the point of dying.

Wake up, please wake up. Don't let pride destroy you. The warning is for all; young, old, men, women, clergy as well as laity. The Lord is no respecter of persons.

This is a time to ask the Master to anoint our eyes so we can see with them, to open our ears so we can hear and to wear us clean garments that are free from wrinkles and stains.

A call to total repentance, to make a complete u turn and follow the Master completely.

The gates will soon be closed and the flight will take off. Hear this last call and enter into safety, the flight to safety in the bossom of the Master.


God bless you as you listen and obey the Master, Jesus Christ.

If you will, you can received the Lord Jesus as your Lord by saying this prayer;

Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner deserving death and condemnation, but I thank you because you have died the death I was to die, redeeming me from sin and death.

I accept you as my Lord and Savior. The life I now live is no longer mine but yours.

Thank you Lord for saving me. In your name Jesus, Son of the Living God I pray and receive answer from the Father. Amen.



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