Thou Canst Do All things
Posted on September 26th, 2020 by AnonymousHaba Father, I know that thou canst do all things. Let this cup pass over me, but let your will be done Mark 14: 36.
I know that thou canst do every things and that no thought can be with holden from thee. Jon 42:2
Nothing is too hard for God to do, He can do all things as Scriptures has said; even far more than we can ask for or imagine, however, he can choose not to do everything we ask. Why?
God is Omniscience - knowing all things, seeing the end from the beginning. He will do what is best for us. And so, this calls for trust on the part of the believer, trusting Him enough to let His will be done in our lives. The work of faith is the work of trust; trusting and holding on to God’s Word amidst all the challenges we may face.
He has given us the Spirit of Power, of might and a sound mind. God’s Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Power, not of fear! Be bold and courageous and allow God’s will be done in your life.
Many times the enemy would have us think God doesn’t have our best at heart, but I must let you know that it is a lie from the pit of hell. God’s perfect will is what we need to be done in our lives. There is nothing that compares to God’s perfect will and purposes.
Imagine if Jesus had not allowed God’s will to be done? Man would have been doomed forever.
Since Jesus was one hundred percent man and one hundred percent God, the man in him was in anguish when faced with the horror of the suffering he was soon to experience and he cried, Father, let this cup pass over me, but not my will, let your will be done. He knew the Father could avert his going to the cross, and its suffering, rather even at the moment of suffering and sorrow, he prayed the perfect prayer; Father, let your will be done!
It was important that Jesus went through all the sufferings, rejections and finally a shameful death on the cross; since all these were recorded in Scripture concerning Him. They must be fulfilled.
There was so much at stake at Gethsemane – Jesus Christ has to die at the Cross. It was the only way; for the wages of sins is death - the cost of disobedience of Adam and his wife Eve.
No wonder the Father said to the woman; what is this that you have done? - Gen 3: 13.
The sin of disobedience committed by Adam and Eve was going to cost God the life of Hs Son Jesus Christ! - Not just dying, this death would be laced with a great deal of sufferings and pains. It was no ordinary death; no wonder Jesus during His agonizing prayer at Gethsemane was sweating blood!
Scriptures recorded that Angels were sent to minister strength to him. Doing God’s will is not always easy for us but as we allow Him to work in us, we will reach a point in our lives when we can say, Father, let your will not mine be done even when its painful to us. At this point we can say we have died to the flesh.
Dying to the flesh is not a one off thing, rather, it requires us to constantly say no to the desires of the flesh. It is a life-long battle for the believer.
Saving Grace
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My comment will be our prayer that the Lord will bless us with the Holy Spirit that will enable us to do those things which he command us to do and to be. That lust for the flesh will be out of us. Then we can sincerely say, Lord let your wil be done in our lives Amen.
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