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Let God

Let God

Posted on May 9th, 2021 by Redeemed

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatian 6:7.

God is the owner of life and all his creation came to be for a purpose. Nothing came to existence by mistake, it was all planned. You are not a mistake, He has a purpose for our being but we must cooperate with Him to bring His purpose to pass in our lives.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1), and we can see the massive plan that went into creation! The earth was formless and void, completely out of order. Then His Spirit moved over the surface of the deep, and He spoke into being those things that were not as though they were - He brought order into the chaos that the earth was.

Then, He created man in His image, in the image of God created He they, male and female. He then planted a garden eastward of Eden and there He put the man He had formed. Genesis 2: 8.

Man according to God’s plan was to tend the garden and enjoy everything in it. God would come in the cool of the evening to fellowship with the man and his wife (checking in on them I call it).

Now, we can see that God had very beautiful plans for them, but man’s cooperation was needed for things to work flawlessly as God had planned it. The man had to keep to the instructions God had given to them. Can two walk together unless they are in agreement? Amos 3: 3.

They were to eat everything in the garden except for the fruit of the tree of good and evil, for the day they eat it, God said, they would die!

How well Adam and Eve his wife  kept to this instruction and the consequences that followed is a learning for all mankind.

Beloved, God does not lie, it will be as He has said it. Don’t joke with God’s Word – His Word is Spirit and is Alive or Living. Once He speaks it, it is, already, so be careful!

Its high time we know that God is God, and we must relate with Him as God, the creator of all things -  visible and invisible.

Some of us behave as if God should take permission from us before He does what He wants to do in the lives of His people and His Church!

I will build my Church He said, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. Know fully well that if you are resisting or restricting the move of God even in His Church, you are making yourself an enemy. A servant according to my understanding should cooperate with his master to achieve the desired goal but what we see are people who even wants to control God! I tremble at times at some of the things going on in our midst!.

His plans is for us to prosper and be in health even as our souls prospereth. For us to prosper as He has purposed, we must partnership with His Spirit – the Spirit of Truth, who will teach us and bring us into the knowledge of all things. We cannot know more than His Spirit; who is supposed to be our Guide, Teacher, Comforter, Revealer of secrets! How is it that we don’t fear God? I am amazed at how we have become so familiar with God such that we have no fear of Him anymore!

Let us not forget so quickly what happened to some great men/ women of God in Scriptures who became over familiar with God such that they became very careless in their relationship with Him, and the resultant outcome of their carelessness.

Moses was great before God and man but when He overstepped his boundaries we all know what happened! He was supposed to lead Israel into the promised land, but he ended up not entering. Numbers 20: 8 - 12

Saul is another example of how great plans and purposes can go wrong if we are not careful. 1 Samuel 15: 23

Mariam and Aaron are not left out - Number 12; What about  Korah and his group (the sons of Levi, two hundred and fifty of them) and the congregation that rose up against Moses and Aaron, now they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, beside them that died about the matter of Korah. Numbers 16: 49.

All the people who rebelled against God, and in their own mind thought God couldn’t lead them to the promised land all died in the desert. Tried as they did to enter (it was a task impossible) none of them could enter. No one can go against God and prevail.

It’s not late to retrace our steps if we have over stepped our boundaries. Now that we hear His voice do not harden your heart. Know fully well that God has great plans for everyone of us, but we must do our part for those plans to be fulfilled. No one can resist the plans and purposes of God in the life of another, but you can in your own life by not cooperating with Him and living a life of disobedience.

All actions will be judged, passed through the fire whether it was done in good fate or not, and rewards given accordingly by the Judge of all the earth. So therefore, weigh your actions and words accordingly.

Allow God to be God in your life and affairs. God bless us all as we cooperate with Him to work out His plans and purposes in our lives.



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