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Hear and Live

Hear and Live

Posted on July 13th, 2021 by Racheal


John 5:25  Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.

I never cease to wonder the amazing capacity of our minds and brains to process information, and quickly decide which it will keep and which it will discard. All this the brain does in milliseconds!

 Like as in the above verse, the capacity to hear the voice of the Son of God can make one live or die. Since this is the case the kind of hearing Jesus Christ is referring to is not just hearing but an intentional kind of hearing leading to divine insights and revelation. One come to a state where you come to a full realization of what is being said.

We need the help of the Holy Spirit to teach us and cause us to understand the Truth that the LORD is communicating. This is why Jesus said those who are able to hear are those who will live!

It is possible for someone to hear and do nothing about what they heard because it made no sense to them. If it made sense, then it is perceived and received and then an action follows.

As I write this, I can see in my mind's eye, countless of people who attend religious place of worships or are in one religious body or the other but yet the crime rates are increasing every day. Sermons and messages are preached every time in these gatherings but people choose to hear what they want to hear. According to Scriptures they have itching ears and will only hear what they want to hear!

For the time will come says Paul the Apostle when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. 2 Timothy 4:3


It is written in Revelation 2:7a He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Having a teachable spirit and a child like attitude to listening and then allowing the Holy Spirit to communicate the meaning to our spirit helps us understand the message being passed across to us, but when we put a barricade ahead of us even before we hear what is being said then it becomes very difficult to hear anything that will be said.

The right attitude therefore to adopt when reading Scriptures, listening to sermons, and messages from the LORD is to ask the Holy Spirit to help us hear what is being said, understand the message as intended, ask questions if it’s not clear, with the intent of getting clarity. If your stance and intentions are genuine the LORD will make things clear to you. This clarity of message perceived in one’s spirit is brought about by the Holy Spirit who will teach us all things. The Truth of what God is communicating just becomes clear or illuminated in our spirit man.

It’s safe to say our state of mind and how we approach the things of God will to a large extent determine whether we can really hear the LORD speaking or not, and amazingly only those who can hear the Son will live.

God bless us as we strive to hear the Lord speak to us.



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And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

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