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Lord, If thou hadst been here

Lord, If thou hadst been here

Posted on June 16th, 2023 by Redeemed

John 11:21

Martha said to Jesus, "Sir, if you had been here, my brother wouldn't have died.

Martha and her sister Mary just buried their brother Lazarus and were in anguish. Their sorrow and pains were amplified because they felt they had a friend who should have stepped in at their most critical need. They even sent for Jesus to come heal their brother when he was critically ill, but Jesus stayed back several days. And then their brother died!

How many times have we prayed, prayed and prayed again. We have fasted and pleaded and at times even tried if we could manipulate God by telling Him if you do this for me, then I will do that and yet it seems we are not been heard!

And then discouragement and even resentment may set in if we are not careful and we cry like Mary and Martha, if only you had been here! If only you had heard me  and answered me when I called on you!!


What they failed to realize and many of us too is that nothing takes God by surprise. He knew when their brother Lazarus was Ill, he was also aware when he died, and told his disciples so. Lazarus is asleep he said, and we go to wake him up, but his disciples didn’t understand what he was saying. If he is asleep, he will awake, they said. Then He told them, Lazarus is dead and for your sake I am glad I wasn’t there! This goes to show he knows what is happening even in our individual lives, and will step in at the right time. For your sake I am glad I wasn’t there, he said. Lazarus’s death and his going to raise him up from the dead was to help the disciples and those who would hear what took place in Lazarus life - how Lazarus would be raised from the dead. Their faith will be greatly helped, and many would come to faith through the working of God in the life of Lazarus. God allowed Lazarus’s death so they could experience His power over all things - even death, and this would glorify God’s name and strengthen the faith of the disciples.


Jesus said to the sisters, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Any one that believes in me though he died shall live again, and if you live and believe shall never die. Do you believe? He asked them? John 11:26


Jesus is asking us to trust him in and with the unpleasant situations we are passing through. He has great plans for us if only we would trust him.

Mary’s reply to the question was, I believe, Lord, that you are the Christ, the Son of God who was to come to the world. John:27.


We can rest assured that the Lord is in control of what is happening in and around us and things will work out eventually to our good, all we need do is trust and rest in the fact that God mean good for us!

He controls times and seasons, and is always on time because he dwells in timelessness. Time has no control over him, but rather he controls time. God's time is the right time.

At the sound of his voice, death has to let Lazarus go! even so every unpleasant situations in our lives will align to His Will when he steps into our situations. Be at peace for he is in control.


God bless.





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And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick; and they shall recover.

Mark 16:17-18|Authority
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