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Lesson from Nature’s Energy Sources

Lesson from Nature’s Energy Sources

Posted on April 10th, 2024 by Redeemed_Racheal

Genesis 1:1-17 ASV

[16] And God made the two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. [17] And God set them in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth


The wonders and the order of creation never seizes to amaze me. The planning and execution of creation points to greatness beyond comprehension of the One who master minded and joined all the pieces together to form one great universe.

The above verse set order to how the two great lights, the Sun and Moon came to be and the purpose for their being. They were created to give light to the earth.

The earth, the abode of man was created with great care and love. The Creator ensured everything man needed to thrive was in existence before finally creating man…


Genesis 1:27-28 ASV

And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. [28] And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.


Man therefore by virtue of the authority given him by the Creator, has power over all of creation but thankfully not the Creator!

Just watching the news and the happenings all over the world - the outcome of the choices of man is so disheartening, and one wonder where all of these is leading to.

Everything have their place in creation, and the focus for this write up is the two great light - the Sun and the Moon.

The Sun is to rule over the day - it’s purpose also determines how it was made. Scriptures tells us the greater light was to rule over the day, since it would take a lot to light up the earth during the day and provide it with the much needed energy to sustain life on earth. The Sun therefore ruling over the day is to keep the day that way - day, and the Moon ruling over the night is to keep the night that way - night.

Night and Day don’t meet, there’s a clear distinction between both. The two great light ensured the day being distinct from the night. The Sun is fierce and awesome, and no one can stare at it directly without being blinded momentarily by it, but the Moon is the direct opposite of the Sun; soft and gentle and can be looked at.

Mankind was meant to work during the day and rest at night, but, as with almost all things, one can hardly distinguish between when to rest or be at work. People work nonstop day and night. We need the energy of the Sun during the day to function and the calmness of the Moon to soothe us to sleep at night.

Creation teaches us a great lesson about separation of power in the working of these two great lights(the Sun and the Moon). If either of them don’t maintain their distinctiveness, and purposes in creation, we experience what mankind has termed or called the ‘Eclipse’.

Though the Sun is powerful enough to lighten up the earth, but when the Moon decides to enter the space of the Sun or vice versa, the earth experience darkness, depending on the extent of the interference of one on the other. It’s amazing that the Moon has enough power to diminish the brightness of the Sun and prevents it to give its light to the earth, and it becomes very clear why the Creator separated the two great light. The two can only perform at best when they are distinct from one another.

It is therefore very important to note that the Moon though meant to rule over the night doesn’t make it not great - it is great, just that it’s purpose is different. We only get to realize how great the Moon is when their Creator allows the coming together of the Sun and the Moon as one (Eclipse). A clear message that all of God’s creation is very good.

The Eclipse is a rare occurrence that happens in the firmament, and part of what God said was for signs and seasons, and to let mankind know that every of God’s creation has a purpose and a place. It’s also a reminder that we were created to co-exist. In co-existence, and maintaining our distinct purpose, we experience peace and harmony and the earth will be at peace.

Darkness engulfed the earth and the Sun is unable to perform and brighten the earth even in its full strength when the Moon and the Sun are joined as one, so also we experience confusion, chaos and disorder when power is not separated. The wisdom of God separated them to perform at their best. Though they are two great light, they are different in purpose and functions. Just like in creation, the Creator created every thing as a pair - the male and the female, according to their working and purpose, ordained by their Maker who is awesome and great.

Let us give room for each other to be who we were created to be, for the universe is big enough to accommodate us all.


God bless.





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